Jeff Preou’s Website

RV Building

I say RV building, but I’m not actually building. I was, but a marital separation resulted in the reluctant sale of my RV-8 project a few years ago. Since then I’ve been asked a few times about some of the installed bits and pieces I had completed, so I have included information here on those items I get asked about occasionally. The links are below.

I haven’t yet ruled out the possibility of another project; maybe RV, maybe microlight, maybe even gyrocopter. There are some definite financial challenges, but never say never and who knows what might work out once the family is older (that is, gone!).

So here we have links for:

I don't yet have photo packs for the following, simply because I only just thought of these items and haven't had time to delve into the hundreds of photos and dig out the relevant ones. I did numerous other minor mods too, though in all honesty I'd have to review my Kitlog myself to remember them all!

I have full photo sets from my RV-8 build up to the point of sale and most detail is on the Kitlog, which I believe might still be ‘live’. I have many more photos than are on Kitlog, so if you are an RV-8 builder and have questions then I’m happy to answer as best I can and provide any photos I have. 'PM' me on the Vans Airforce Forums [antigravity]